[CRegisterDlg_dlg_res] 0=Yeni Hesap Kayit 1030=OK 1033=iptal 1053=Hesap ID 1054=Sifre 1066=Sifre tekrar [CModPassDialog_dlg_res] 0=Sifre Degisimi 1030=Degisiklik Onay 1033=iptal 1053=Hesap ID 1054=Eski Sifre 1061=Yeni Sifre 1062=Yeni Sifre tekrar [CSupplyDialog_dlg_res] 0=Hesaba S¨¹re Y¨¹kleme 1023=Y¨¹kleme Onay 1033=iptal 1053=Hesap ID 1063=Kart Numarasi 1064=Kart Sifresi 1086=Supple Type 1087=Month 1088=Credits 1095=Hesap ID confirm [CSupplyDialog_cls_str] m_days_card_note= $6 for 14 days, $12 for 28 days. m_credis_card_note=$6 for 280 credits, $12 for 580 credits. 1 credits can use for 15 mins. m_select_card_type_note=confirmation: the charge type u choosed is "days/credits", please be awear that u can't change charge type until ur banlance in current type is finished. m_select_card_type_title=Charge type prompt [CAccountSettingDlg_cls_str] m_editPanel=EditPanel m_inputPass=Please input password m_inputUser=Please input account id m_ok=Confirm m_sysNotice=System notice [CAgentItem_cls_str] m_askclose=Game is running, sure to close? m_closeGame=Close game m_exefilter=exe files(*.exe, *.com)|*.exe; *.com|all files(*.*)|*.*| m_exp=EXP: m_expHour=EXP/hour: m_fmtTime=%02uhour%02uminute m_hideGame=Hide game m_hp=HP: m_lefttime=timeleft to next lvl: m_level=level: m_login=login m_logout=logout m_mp=MP: m_noPath=Can't find knightonline.exe, worng path.Please start game manually. m_nodefine=Undefined m_notice=Notice m_role=Character: m_showGame=Show game m_startGame=Start game m_state=State: m_sysask=System enquiry m_sysnotice=System notice m_unknown=Unkown m_unregAcount=Unregistered account id m_useedit=Ãæ°åÖĞÒÑ´æÔÚ¸ÃÕʺţ¬ÇëʹÓñ༭¹¦ÄÜ(?) m_zero2=00 m_zero8=0000000 m_zerotime=000hour00minute [CColligateDlg_AutoBot_dlg_res] 9080=Zil Uyarisi 9116=Same as the game attack performance 9179=Yenile 9227=HP Pot bitince 9252=Ok bitince 9292=Tak?m Uyesi < 9295=Hedef Yaratik HP > 9309=Oto-bot ayarlar 9311=Oto skill 9315=Oto Sehre donme ayarlar 9316=MP Pot bitince 9319=Atak Hizi: 9320=ms 9321=ms 9322=Skill doldurma zamani: 9323=Elle secerek Atak 9331=Dakika 9335=Partyde Priest olmayinca 9358=Set 9273=Run-to-mob bot range (for Melee) 9388=Radius: 9391=Weapon weak 9394=Loop botting | supply 9395=HP potion 9396=MP potion 9397=Arrow 9404=Number£º 9405=Number£º 9406=Number£º 9414=Record the supply path 9418=Meet enemy race players in CZ 9442=Add common attack [CColligateDlg_AutoBot_cls_str] m_supply_help_res_part1=1. ʹÓÃÓÒ²àµÄ¡°Â¼ÖÆÑ­»·Â·¾¶¡±°´Å¥Â¼ÖÆÒ»Ìõ·¾¶. m_supply_help_res_part2=2. µã»÷¡°¿ªÊ¼¹Ò»ú¡±°´Å¥, Ñ¡Ôñ¡°ÔÚÈËÎﵱǰλÖÿªÊ¼Ñ­»·¹Ò»ú¡±. [CColligateDlg_Common_cls_str] m_Ardream=Ardream m_Asge_Village=Asge Village m_Bellua_Village=Bellua Village m_Delos=Delos m_Doda_Camp=Doda Camp m_El_Morad_Castle=El Morad Castle m_Eslant=Eslant m_Eslant_Entrace=Eslant entrace m_Folk_Village=Folk Village m_Kalluga_Valley=Kalluga Valley m_Kalluga_Valley_Entrance=Kalluga Valley Entrance m_Laiba_Village=Laiba Village m_Linart_Village=Linart Village m_Luferson_Castle=Luferson Castle m_Lunar_Valley=Lunar Valley m_Moradon=Moradon m_Raon_Camp=Raon Camp m_Ronark_Land=Ronark Land m_Tale_Village=Tale Village m_BlacklistSet=Blacklist m_NonSupportMap=NonSupport this map [CColligationDlg_Misc_cls_str] m_GroupInviteSet=Accept Special Player's Team Invite Setting m_AutoInviteSpecialPlayerList=Auto Invite Special Player Setting [CColligateDlg_Common_dlg_res] 9116=Close game when meet Blacklister or GM 9117=Close game when meet GM 9227=Duvardan Gecme 9228=Casting Unstoppable 9233=Hizli Kosma 9252=BackTown when meet Blacklister 9273=Enable Blacklist 9298=ItemList 9299=Git 9300=Diger 9301=Sehir transferi 9302=Yaratik Listesi 9314=Yenile 9315=Yenile 9323=Save CPU 9328=KendimizeBuff 9330=Party Buff 9385=Path Record 9421=Auto-TS 9436=Auto-TS to£º 9166=Auto-ts when meet -------------> 9113=Keep auto-ts as a buffer 9435=monster 9431=Auto town if there is no TS when needed [CColligationDlg_Misc_dlg_res] 9116=Invite others to create a team when alone 9168=Oto 9169=Ustunde Tut HPyi > 9227=Rogue minor heal yapar hp de< 9233=Mektuptan Tedariketme 9236=Partydekinin Hpsini tut> 9252=Summon Friend 9273=Leave team when die 9302=Koru 9317=Partydeki adami canlandir 9318=Priest 9323=Oto Heal 9324=Oto 9325=Ustunde tut HPyi > 9326=HP Koruma 9327=MP Koruma 9338=UstundeTut HP> 9362=Requst Summon 9363=Canlandirilmayi kabul et 9364=Combat reddet 9365=Trade reddet 9366=Party Teklif Reddet 9367=Party Teklif Kabul 9368=Ozel oyuncularin Party teklifini kabulet 9369=Oyuncu listesi 9371=Accept last one hour teammate's invite 9372=Invite special players 9373=Oyuncu listesi 9374=Invite previous teammates in last 1 hour 9377=Player Interaction 9407=9407=Caption Fuction: Auto Invite Others 9421=Using bigger heal [CHangMainDlg_dlg_res] 9179=Yenile 9309=Oto Bot Ayar 9311=Oto skill [CItemDlg_dlg_res] 9178=ÌØÊâÎïÆ·¼ñÈ¡(?) 9179=Gelismis Ayarlar 9183=Ara 9207=Hicbisey toplamaz 9208=Hersey topla ve sat 9209=Hersey topla ve sakla 9210=Hep unique item topla 9211=itemleri topla + 9212=Topla ve sakla : + 9214=Arti 9215=daha yuksek itemler 9227=Oto sat yada sakla gereksiz potlar 9303=1.Cogul olarak item secmek icin mouse surukleyin yada ctrl/shift kullanin ve sag tiklayip ustte topla bolumunde evet/hayir secin. 2.Sadece +? itemleri almak icin Normal equip larda hayir secin ve sonra Ozel ayar kismindan +kactan yukari toplanmasini istedikleriniz rakami girin. 9305=OtoToplama 9306=Yedekle 9307=Yedekten al 9323=Loot money 9333=Ozel Ayarlar 9252=limit special accumulate-able items qty below 190 (Do not work with party mode) 9273=Send Item with mail 9422=Mail to: 9423=When more than > 9420=Mail Title: 9424=(LIMIT 10-185) 9299=Mail Item List Setting [CMapDlg_dlg_res] 0=Mini map (0, 0) [CMultiConsoleDlg_cls_str] m_closeGame=Close game m_closeask=Cleanup will quit current account, continue? m_clrPanel=Please choose the panel you want to clean m_editPanel=Please choose the panel you want to edit m_exefilter=exe files(*.exe, *.com)|*.exe; *.com|all files(*.*)|*.*| m_exitask=Exit will quit all game accounts,continue? m_hideGame=Hide game m_needPanel=Please build a new panel first. m_noPath=Can't find game exe file or wrong path,please run game manually. m_notice=Notice m_rebotGame=Restart game m_showGame=Show game m_startGame=Start game m_startTimer=Start timer m_stopTimer=Stop timer m_sureCancel=Cancle m_sureOK=Confirm m_sysNotice=System notice m_sysask=System enquiry m_select_server=Select Server m_server_1=Server 1 m_server_2=Server 2 m_server_3=USA server 1 m_server_4=USA server 2 m_server_5=Netherlands server m_rookie_card_mention= Use HeavenFire for 1 days FREE! Click "Free trial" to enjoy! [BotErrProcess] m_shutdown_computer=shutdown [CAttackIntervalDialog_dlg_res] 9360=If the game disconnects frequently, please changing the number to a bigger one. (we suggested 2000 or bigger) [CMultiConsoleDlg_dlg_res] 1001=Yarat 1002=Temizle 1005=Duzenle 1006=Kayit 1008=Panel temizle 1009=Test 1028=Yukle 1031=Degistir 1042=Oyun guncelle 1070=Pencere modu 1071=Oyunu baslat 1072=Oyun gizle 1073=Hesap ID 1074=Sifre 1077=Giris 1078=Beni dene 1079=Kayit 1080=Yukleme 1081=Degistir 1082=Ucretsiz Zaman:12:00-13:00 pm(Istanbul) 1083=Ucretsiz sure gecince tum HF ozellikleri kapanacak 1084=Dil: 1088=Alarm 1089=Shutdown 1090=Rookie card 1092=Buy 1093=Server: 1101=Enable auto reconnect game 1103=Auto reconnect 1104=Longtime no exp or money 1105=Game Acc : 1106=Game Pass: 1108=Free trial [CNameEditorDlg_dlg_res] 32002=Sil 32003=Hepsini Sil 32007=Ekle 32008=Hepsini Ekle 32014=Reliable Name 32015=Optional Name 32016=Keyword search: 32019=Export 32020=Import [CSetDlg_cls_str] m_AutoBot=Botting m_Common=Genel m_Other=Diger m_Shout=Seslen m_Chat=Chat m_Log=Log m_res_begin_autobot=BotBaslat m_res_disable_bot=Pasif m_res_enable_bot=Aktif m_res_end_autobot=BotDurdur m_botInfo=Info [CSetDlg_dlg_res] 9219=AyarlarKaydet 9220=BotBaslat [CWaittingDlg_cls_str] m_fmtstr=%s after %.2f second m_undef=Undefined m_undefevent=Undefined event [CWaittingDlg_dlg_res] 1060=Role: 1065=Account: 1041=Cancel shutdown [ChangePassEcho_cls_str] m_ChangePassSucess=Sifre Degisikligi gerceklesti! m_PassAccountNoPair=HF ID yada sifre hatali! m_illegalUser=Change charge type is not allowed when HF account still have "credits" or "days" inside. [ClientWrapper_cls_str] m_emptyAccount=Kayit edilmemis ID! m_emptyCard=Kullanilmis Yukleme kart! m_emptyPass=ID yada sifre eksik! m_emptyType=Yukleme tipini secin£¡ m_netError=Hf Server baglanti yok, modemi resetleyin! [ConfigUpdateDlg_cls_str] m_cancel=Cancel m_failed=Failed m_finished=Finished m_scaning=Scanning update files, please wait ... m_select=Please select folder path to the older version. [ExtendEcho_cls_str] m_AccountNotExsit=Boyle bir ID mevcut degil! m_CardIsFee=Bu kartlar kullanilmis! m_ExtendSucess=Yukleme tamamlandi! m_NoType=ÎŞ´ËÏû·ÑÀàĞÍ£¡(?) m_PassCardNoPair=Kart numara yada sifre hatali! m_TypeIsNoPair=Óû§Óë³äÖµÀàĞͲ»Æ¥Å䣡(?) m_illegalUser=Illegal karakter var, ID yada yukleme kartinda! [HangPlaceDlg_cls_str] m_coord=Koordinat m_radius=Menzil [ItemList_cls_str] m_name=isim m_none=(Hicbiri) m_search=Arama [JellyAgent_cls_str] m_reboot=OyunuYenidenBaslat [LogOffEcho_cls_str] m_LogOffSuccess=Cikis Basarili! [LoginEcho_cls_str] m_LoginSucess=Giris Basarili! m_NoBalance=Hesabinizda sure kalmamis! m_PassAccountNoPair=ID yada Sifre Hatali! m_illegalUser=Illegal karakter var ID de! [ModuleAgent_cls_str] m_StartProcessFailed=Oyunu baslatamadim,siz acin! [MonsterSetDlg_cls_str] m_ingnore=Yoksay m_name=isim m_remind=Hatirlat m_isignore=Is Yoksay m_isRemind=Is Hatirlat m_backtown=Sehregeri m_ring=Zil [MonsterSetDlg_dlg_res] 9187=Ara 9188=Don 9227=Yoksay 9228= Hatirlat [OnlineEcho_cls_str] m_Error=Baglanti Hata! m_LogOff=Baglantiniz koptu, yeniden giris yapin! m_NoBalance=S¨¹reniz bitti, Hf den c?kartilacaksiniz! m_ReLogin=Yeniden giris yapin, Hf den cikartilacaksiniz! [RegEcho_cls_str] m_ExistUser=Daha once kullanilmis ID! m_RegSucess=Yeni Kayit Basarili! m_illegalUser=Illegal karakter var ID de! [ScanUpdateTask_cls_str] m_import=Yedekle [ m_postfixConfig=] Ayar Dosyasi m_update=Guncelle [ m_uptemplate=standard guncelleme ayar dosyasi [StringFormater_cls_str] m_countUser=Hesap Balansi£º%d zaman m_dayUser=Bitecek£º%s saat m_freeUser=Ucretsiz Kullanim! m_pointUser= Hesap Balansi£º%d puan [TestNewBillClient_cls_str] m_ChongZhiSucess=Yukleme Basarili! s¨¹reniz£º%d m_alreayExist= Daha once kullanilmis ID! m_badInput=Hatali giris! m_badPassword=Hatali ID yada sifre! m_connetFailed=Server Baglanti Hatasi! m_day=Saat m_enterAcount=Hesap ID sini giriniz! m_enterCardAcount=Yukleme Kart Numarasini giriniz! m_enterCardPassword=Yukleme Kart Sifresini giriniz! m_enterChongzhiAcount=Yukleme yapilacak Hesap ID sini giriniz! m_enterOldPassword=Eski sifreyi giriniz m_enterPassword=Yeni sifreyi giriniz m_enterReplayPassword=Yeni sifreyi onaylayiniz m_freeIng=Suan Ucretsiz kullaniyorsunuz! m_loginSucess=Giris Basarili! m_netError=Baglanti Hatasi! m_noAccout=Boyle bir Hesap ID yok! m_notMatch=Farkli sifre, yeniden girin! m_point=Puan m_regestSucess=Yukleme Basarili! Lutfen unutmayin! Hesap ID:%s [UTrayIcon_cls_str] m_exit=Cikis m_showmain=Ana Menu goster [__extern__] all=Hersey normalEquip=Normal Equip uniqueEquip=Unique Equip Scroll=Scroll Sundries=Sundries Weapon=Weapon Armor=Armor Shield=Shield Jewelry=Jewelry One-handed-sword=One-handed Sword Two_handed-sword=Two-handed Sword One-handed-Axe=One-handed Axe Two_handed-Axe=Two-handed Axe One-handed-Mace=One-handed Mace Two_handed-Mace=Two-handed Mace One-handed-Spear=One-handed Spear Pole-Arm=Pole Arm Bows=Bows Daggers=Daggers Staffs=Staffs Clubs=Clubs Armor-Warriors=Warriors Armor-Rogues=Rogues Armor-Mage=Mage Armor-Priest=Priest First=1. Second=2. Third=3. Fourth=4. Fifth=5. Sixth=6. Potion=Pot TaskItem=Gorev Item Others=Diger pickup=Topla sell=Sat store=Sakla [CShoutSetDlg_dlg_res] 9339=Basla 9340=Durdur [CPathRecorderDlg_dlg_res] 9380=1. click "Start recording" button.(Bot will auto-town) 9381=2. Start running till you achieved your destination.( Teleport is also record-able) 9382=3. Click "Finish recording" button. 9383=4. Name this path as your wish and save it . 9384=Note [CPathRecorderDlg_cls_str] m_res_start_record=Start recording m_res_stop_record=Finish recording m_res_col_path_name=Path Name m_res_col_path_map=Map name m_res_col_position=Position m_res_record_fail_caption=Record Fail m_res_record_fial_body=This may cause by infection of summon teamate skill or Path recoding process is not supported on this map yet. [CPathInfoInputDlg_dlg_res] 9320=Please give this path a clear name. [CPathInfoInputDlg_cls_str] m_InputRepeatPathNamePrompt=Path name already exist, Please type a new path name [PlayerSetDlg_cls_str] m_strAllPlayer=All Player m_strNearbyPlayer=Yakin Oyuncu m_strTeammate=Party [MonsterSetDlg2_cls_str] m_strAllMonster=All Monster m_strNearbyMonster=Nearby Monster [CMonsterMidSetDlg_cls_str] m_ingnore_dlg_name=Monster Ingnore Setting m_remind_dlg_name=Monster Remind Setting m_isignore=IsIgnore m_isremind=IsRemind m_backtown=backtown m_ring=ring m_set=Set [CCurrentBotPositionDlg_dlg_res] 0=·µ»Ø¹Ò»úµãµÄ·¾¶ÉèÖà 9299=Record Other path 9403=Choose a path to current location and start botting. 9400=¡¡¡¡Explain:1.If you don't have a path to here, please record one. 2.Press "OK" to bind the chosen path with current location, you can also click "cancel" to quit. [CBotPositionSetDlg_dlg_res] 9299=Loop-bot at current location 9399=Use chosen location 9401=Loop-bot at current location 9402=Previouse bot location [CBotPositionSetDlg_cls_str] m_res_time=Last bot time m_res_bot_postion=Bot location m_res_path=Binded path m_res_window_title=Bot location setting m_res_is_record_title=¡¡ m_res_is_record_body=Would you like to record a path to bot at current location? [CCurrentBotPositionDlg_cls_str] m_res_window_title=New location setting [CSupplyRecorderPathDlg_dlg_res] 9408=Note: 9409=1. click "Start recording" button (Bot will auto-town) and start running 9410=2. Teleport is also record-able 9411=3. Click "Finish recording" button at your destination 9412=4. Name this path as your wish and save it 9413=¼ÖÆÖĞ¡­¡­¡¡Çë¿ØÖÆÄãµÄÈËÎïÅܵ½ÏëÒª¹Ò»úµÄµØµã£¨¿ÉÒÔʹÓô«ËÍÃÅ£© [CSupplyRecorderPathDlg_cls_str] m_start_record=Start Record m_stop_record=Stop Record m_record_fail_title=Record Failed m_record_fail_body=This may cause by infection of summon teamate skill or Path recoding process is not supported on this map yet. m_record_dlg_title=Please record a path to bot at current location m_msgbox_title=HeavenFire m_msgbox_body=¿ªÊ¼Â¼Öƺ󣬽ÇÉ«»á×Ô¶¯»Ø³Ç¡£ÊÇ·ñ¼ÌĞø? [CSupplyErrInfoDlg_dlg_res] 0=Error! [ProtectAI_cls_str] m_FreeTimeOverNotice=Free time over! See you in the next free period! nClick to Buy. [FreshUserEcho_cls_str] m_IllagelCard=Rookie card password error or used card, please confirm and re-input. m_NoPayType=Card type error! m_NoRest=Trial time over, click "ok" to enter purchase page. m_NoSuchFile=Wrong version info! m_NoSuchUser=This game account has not bind with a rookie card, click "ok" to start binding. m_ReReg=This game account has already tried a rookie card.One game account can only use one rookie cards. m_ServBusy=HeavenFire server busy,Please retry later. m_SuccessFreshLogin=Login as rookie user successfully! m_SuccessFreshUserReg=Bind game account successfully! m_Used=This game account has used HeavenFire before. Rookie card is for user who never used HeavenFire. [CFreshRegisterDlg_dlg_res] 0=Rookie card register 30001=Rookie card Number: 30003=Rookie card Password: [CFreeUserDlg_dlg_res] 0=Free trial 1042=Free time period 1072=Try rookie card 1109= Notice: Free time is 08:00 am- 09:00 am(GMT+8); 06:00 pm- 07:00 pm(GMT+8); HeavenFire will disable when free time over. 1110=Rookie card: Purchase adv will pop up every 30 minutes and HeavenFire will disable at that time. Please click "Keep trial" to go on with trial. 1112=Get rookie card [CRookieAskChargeCountDownDlg_cls_str] m_Title=You are a rookie card user! HeavenFire will disable when countdown finished! (Every 30 minutes) m_CountDownDescription=HeavenFire will disable after %u seconds [CRookieAskChargeCountDownDlg_dlg_res] 32303=Continue trail 32307=sale link [CountryWarAI_cls_str] m_MeetEnemyInCountrWar=Meet enemy race player in country war map! m_BacktownAfter=It'll backtown after %u second: m_NotBacktown=Don't backtown! [BlacklistAI_cls_str] m_ask_enable_blacklist_msg=Blacklist is disabled. Do you want to enable it? [BotInfoStatistic_cls_str] m_res_upgradere_mainder_exp=Exp to next level: m_res_upgradere_mainder_time=Time to next level: m_res_bot_got_exp=Get Exp: m_res_bot_got_money=Get Money: m_res_each_minute_got_exp=Exp/Minute: m_res_each_minute_got_money=Money/Minute: m_res_doom_count=Die Count: m_res_minute=(Minute)

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